Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Keeping Loyal Customers

One of the hardest things many direct sellers come across in their career is the retention of their customers. As you know, finding your customers can be quite an expensive task. Advertising, books, parties, mileage, samples, hostess gifts - you name it, we do it all for the sake of customer satisfaction. But does it always work? Not always. Here are a few tips that you can incorporate to increase the odds of maintaining your customers business.

• Engage your customer - (not like as in marry her, but that’s a good thought!) Talk to them; learn about their family, get to know her likes and dislikes. The more personal you make your relationship; the more likely she will remember you when it’s time to buy again.

• Have a Contact Mailing List - ask your customers for permission to add them to your email list. With email you can send out monthly or semi- monthly messages and keep you name in front of your customer more often. These do not have to be sales type of messages. Make them more tips and info related as you really do want them to read them

• Have a Snail Mailing List - for those customers that don’t want emails and at least one time every 3 months to everyone, use a postcard and sent out some product info, tips, thinking of you or something similar. Again this is a reminder that you are available and ready to serve them whenever they are ready.

• Use the Phone - pick up the phone and call you customers every once in a while just to thank them for their business. This is especially awesome for internet customers. It makes a Huge impression when you take the time to call someone just to say thanks, I appreciate your business.

Start with these few tips and add a few more things along the way and you will be on your way to cementing your relationship with your direct sales customers. Seeing repeat sales is a great thing for you and the customer. Retaining your customer is a great goal for long term profitability and sales volume not to mention the friends you will make along the way.

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